What does HBU mean in text? “HBU” is an abbreviation for “How About You”. When someone texts you “HBU?” they are inquiring about your current state, feelings, or opin

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What does HBU mean in text? “HBU” is an abbreviation for “How About You”. When someone texts you “HBU?” they are inquiring about your current state, feelings, or opin
What does IDM mean in text? “IDM” is an abbreviation for “I don’t mind.” This is someone trying to say that they are okay with or indifferent to a particular situation or suggestion.
What does FR mean in text? Typically you use “FR” when you want to put emphasis or confirm that something is true or serious. For example, if a friend says she can’t do something because she’s in hospital. You may reply, “FR, what happened?” In this case, you are using “F
What does ASAP mean in text? If someone texts you “ASAP” in a text message or email, you better start moving real quick. “ASAP” is an abbreviation for “As soon as possible.” It is typically u
What does FRL mean in text? When someone says “FRL” in a text message they mean to say “For Real.” It’s commonly used as a type of reaction to something that was said or
What does RQ mean? “RQ” is an abbreviation for “Real quick”. If someone texts you “RQ” it means they want you to do something almost immediately or as soon as possible.
What does TFTI mean? The abbreviation “TFTI” means “Thanks For The Invitation” or “Thanks for the invite.” In most cases, the term is used sarcastically by someone who may be feeling upset or
What does JWU mean? JWU is an abbreviation for “Just woke up. The slang word is typically used when you are waking up in the mornin
What does TTM mean? It simply means “Talk to me”. You can use TTM when you’re trying to initiate a conversation with someone. For example, you may
What does BTC mean? In texting when someone says or text BTC they’re meaning to say Bitcoin, referring to the cryptocurrency. For instace a friend may ask, “I just boght 10 BTC worth $90