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IIRC Meaning

IIRC Meaning

What does IIRC mean in texting?IIRC is an acronym used for If I Remember Correctly. It is commonly used before a statement. And it means that you are not 1

IKR Meaning

IKR Meaning

What does IKR mean in texting? IKR is an acronym for the phrase “I know, right?.” It is a rhetorical question to show agreement. Typically used in response to something that someone

MBN Meaning

MBN Meaning

What does MBN mean in texting? MBN is an acronym that stands for “must be nice.” In most cases it’s used to express admiration or when you are envious of someone or something. Typically in the way of a reply. For example, if you don’t have the time or money to visit a place t

LMY Meaning

LMY Meaning

What does LMY mean in texIingt? This is someone expressing genuine affection and feelings towards someone else. This abbreviation is generally used in text messages for the one we love (and miss !) Typically used at the end of the sentenc

DWS Meaning

DWS Meaning

What does DWS mean in text? It means “Dealing with shit.” Someone may use DWS when finding themself handling difficult situations or facing very unpleasant circumstances

SFW Meaning

SFW Meaning

What does SFW mean in text? The acronym SFW is a shorthand for “safe for work” or “Suitable for work.” Typically SFW is used to let others know that the content being s

HY Meaning

HY Meaning

What does HY mean in text? The acronym “HY” means “Heck Yeah” or “H#ll Yeah.” In most cases the term is considered a positive response that shows enthusi

LMY Meaning

PMO Meaning

What does PMO mean in text? This is you asking for information or to be introduced to something new that you want to know more about. Fo

IMSG Meaning

IMSG Meaning

What does IMSG mean in text? When someone text you “IMSG me” basically they ask you to message or contact them through iMessage. In other words, “IMSG” refers to iMessag

YRA Meaning

YRA Meaning

What does YRA mean in text? YRA is an abbreviation used for “Young Rich Asian.” Basically, the term refers to a subgroup of people, mostly young,