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TBH Meaning

TBH Meaning

“TBH” stands for “To Be Honest”. What does TBH mean? The abbreviation “TBH” stands for “To be honest”. If a person text messages you “TBH”, it means they want you to know they are being sincere and transparent with you. It’s like saying, “I’d like to be honest with you”.

ICL Meaning

ICL Meaning

What does ICL mean? The abbreviation “ICL” stands for “I can’t lie”. It’s a texting slang that people often use to emphasize that what they are

No cap Meaning

No cap Meaning

What does No Cap” mean? The slang term “no cap” stands for “no lie” or “truth”. When a person adds No cap in a text message is like saying, “I’m telling you the truth”.

XD Meaning

XD Meaning

XD means “Laughing Out Loud”. What does XD mean? The term is a visual representation of a laughing face, where the “X” represents closed eyes and …

ROFL Meaning

ROFL Meaning

ROFL is an acronym used for “Rolling On the Floor Laughing”. This is a more intense version of “LOL” and is typically used to indicate that one finds …

LOL Meaning

LOL Meaning

The acronym “LOL” stands for “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud”. It’s a popular texting slang used to indicate someone …

LMAO Meaning

LMAO Meaning

What does LMAO mean? LMAO stands for “Laughing My As Off”. The abbreviation LMAO stands for “Laughing my ass off”. It’s a strong texting …

ROTFL Meaning

ROTFL Meaning

ROTFL stands for “Rolling On The Floor Laughing”. What does ROTFL mean? The acronym ROTFL stands for “Rolling On The Floor Laughing”. It’s commonly used to…