What does ICL mean? The abbreviation “ICL” stands for “I can’t lie”. It’s a texting slang that people often use to emphasize that what they are
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No cap Meaning
What does No Cap” mean? The slang term “no cap” stands for “no lie” or “truth”. When a person adds No cap in a text message is like saying, “I’m telling you the truth”.
XD Meaning
XD means “Laughing Out Loud”. What does XD mean? The term is a visual representation of a laughing face, where the “X” represents closed eyes and …
ROFL Meaning
ROFL is an acronym used for “Rolling On the Floor Laughing”. This is a more intense version of “LOL” and is typically used to indicate that one finds …
LOL Meaning
The acronym “LOL” stands for “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud”. It’s a popular texting slang used to indicate someone …
LMAO Meaning
What does LMAO mean? LMAO stands for “Laughing My As Off”. The abbreviation LMAO stands for “Laughing my ass off”. It’s a strong texting …
ROTFL Meaning
ROTFL stands for “Rolling On The Floor Laughing”. What does ROTFL mean? The acronym ROTFL stands for “Rolling On The Floor Laughing”. It’s commonly used to…