GMFU Meaning

by | Feb 22, 2024 | Definitions

Gmfu Meaning

“GMFU” stands for “Got Me Fucked Up”

What does GMFU mean in texting?

GMFU is an abbreviation for “Got me fucked up”. It’s a vulgar texting slang typically used when you’re very angry because of something someone else did or happened to you. In many cases, it is used as an exclamation directed at oneself or someone else. It expresses frustration, anger, or annoyance.

GMFU is considered not suitable for work settings nor safe for children to use.

Also, check: WDYLL Meaning

GMFUGot me fucked up
EmotionPrimary community
Anger / annoyanceTex messaging & Social media
Save for workSafe for children

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Examples Of GMFU In Context

  • “Just when I was about to reach work I spilled coffee all over my shirt. GMFU”
  • “She GMFU with all this crap new task!”


My name is Alejandro, founder and main author at Slang Monster. I’m a fellow human being who enjoys creating online content. Thank you for dropping in.


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