JHIT Meaning

by | May 19, 2024 | Definitions


What does JHIT mean in texting?

“JHIT” or “JIT” is a texting slang that originated in Florida and is used to casually refer to someone younger or smaller than you. In most cases, the term is used playfully with friends or family members, almost like saying “my young friend”. For example, “What’s up, my lil jhit?”

However, the term might also be used or perceived as an insult. In this case HJIT means “young, foolish person.”

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Slang termMeaning
JHITWhat you on?
EmotionPrimary community
ReferenceText messaging & Social media
Save for workSafe for children

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Examples of JHIT in texting

Example 1

  • “That jhit has a lot of gall to hit on my sister.” – Referring to a younger person in a derogatory way.

Example 2

  • “What are doing my lil jhit?” – Used in a friendly, affectionate way towards a younger friend or family member.

Example 3

  • “Oh yeah, you’re such a jhit!” – Playfully pointing out someone’s younger age.


My name is Alejandro, founder and main author at Slang Monster. I’m a fellow human being who enjoys creating online content. Thank you for dropping in.


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