SMH Meaning

by | Feb 9, 2024 | Definitions

SMH Meaning

SMH” stands for “Shaking My Head”

What does SMH mean in text?

The abbreviation “smh” is used for “shaking my head.” It’s an internet slang typically used to show disapproval, frustration, or embarrassment. Is like a reaction to something silly, foolish, or ridiculous.  You can also send “‘smh” to let others know you do not believe something.

Related post: SMDH Meaning

SMHshaking my head
EmotionSafe for work
Embarrassment / disaprovalNo
Primary communitySafe for children
Text messaging and social mediaNo

Also check: GMFO Meaning

Examples of SMH in Context

  • OMG! How can she say that? That’s so ridiculous, smh.
  • What? You don’t like the Marvel movies? smh.
  • You got to be kidding. $45 for a cocktail? smh.
  • SMH to the dude who said that Sydney id the capital of Australia.


My name is Alejandro, founder and main author at Slang Monster. I’m a fellow human being who enjoys creating online content. Thank you for dropping in.


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