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8 Smart Tips To Cope With Exam Stress

8 Smart Tips To Cope With Exam Stress

When it comes to exam taking, this can be a very stressful time for many people. It can make you scared and overwhelmed before a test. Everyone can feel this way, and it’s okay. But the good news is that there are some

Get a load of this guy Meaning

Get a load of this guy Meaning

What does “Get a load of this guy” mean in texting? “Get a load of this guy” is a metaphorical expression typically used in a situation where someone is looking, acting, or speaking foolishly in public.

Salt of the earth Meaning

Salt of the earth Meaning

What does “salt of the earth” mean in texting? “Salt of the earth” is an idiom phrase that is used to describe someone who i

WTM Meaning

WTM Meaning

What does WTM mean in texting? WTM is a shorthand for “What’s the matter?” Although in most cases it appeared without a question mark, WTM is a question typically used when you n

FTW Meaning

FTW Meaning

What does FTW mean in texting? The slang term “FTW” is an abbreviation of the phrase “For the win!” and is used especially to express approval or support for something. It is similar to saying “It’

AYT Meaning

AYT Meaning

What does AYT mean in texting? AYT is an acronym for ” Are you there?” It’s like a short way to confirm if someone is online and able to communicate after a period of being inactive or not resp

Muggins Meaning

Muggins Meaning

What does HJIT mean in texting? “Muggins” is a British slang term that in most cases means “a foolish, gullible, or easily duped person”. The term is often used in a self-deprecating way