“Going rogue” means “Behaving in an erratic or dangerous way“
What does Going rogue mean in texting?
In most cases, “going rogue” means that you are behaving very unpredictable and wild. Oftentimes, following your own rules and maybe even doing things that are considered to be dangerous.
But but for some, Going rogue means to stop following orders and decide to do things your own way. Sometimes doing something a bit dangerous and outside your normal group.
For example, “My wife went rogue and painted the house all on her own”
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Abbreviation | Meaning |
Going rogue | Behaving in an erratic or dangerous way |
Emotion | Primary community |
defiance / independence | Text messaging & Social media |
Save for work | Safe for children |
Yes | No |
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Examples of Going rogue in texting
Example 1
Jake: He always goes rogue in the Karate class. So crazy!
Donald: Tell me. Last time he kicked the coach in the face. XD!
Example 2:
Roy: Promise you won’t go rogue at the pool again.
Gary: Don’t worry, I’ll behave this time.
Going rogue popularity overtime