NTM Meaning

by | Feb 14, 2024 | Definitions

NTM Meaning

“NTM” stands for “Not To Mention”.

What does NTM mean?

The slang “NTM” stands for “Not to Mention.” It is typically used when you need to add or make reference to a particular piece of information or to emphasize something.

This abbreviation is considered safe for children to use as well as work-appropriate.

Also check: LMK Meaning

NTMNot to mention
EmotionSafe for work
Primary communitySafe for kids
Text messaging and social mediaYes

Also check: SMDH Meaning

Examples of NTM in Context

Example 1:

Karl: We won the game, NTM I scored the winning goal!

Sam: RLY! Congratulation!

Example 2

Fred: I can’t believe he left without checking the bills.

Hubb: Right. NTM he was the one to invite us.



My name is Alejandro, founder and main author at Slang Monster. I’m a fellow human being who enjoys creating online content. Thank you for dropping in.


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