ORLY Meaning

by | Feb 8, 2024 | Definitions

ORLY Meaning

“ORLY” stands for “Oh Really?”

What does ORLY mean in text?

The abbreviation “ORLY” is short for “Oh, really?”. It’s used to show interest, skepticism, or amusement in a playful or sarcastic way.

This is similar to “really” but usually with some implied sarcasm added in the message. You can send “orly” if you think what the other person is saying is interesting indeed, and you want to know more about it.

ORLYOh really
EmotionSafe for work
Interest / SarcasmYes
Similar termSafe for children

Also check: IHHT Meaning

Examples Of ORLY In context

Example 1: Expressing Sketpticism

Paul: I just finished writing a 15,000-word essay in one night.

Teresa: Orly? That seems pretty unbelievable.

Example 2:

Sarah: Did you hear? We’re getting free pizza for lunch today!

Lisa: Orly? That’s sounds awesome!

Example 3:

Carol: I’m the best Tetris gamer in the world!

Louis: Orly! Prove it. Let’s play and see who is better.



My name is Alejandro, founder and main author at Slang Monster. I’m a fellow human being who enjoys creating online content. Thank you for dropping in.


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