RLY Meaning

by | Feb 8, 2024 | Definitions

RLY Meaning

“RLY” stands for “Really”

What does RLY mean?

In texting, “RLY” means “really”. It’s used to express enthusiasm and to add emphasis to the message. It can also be used to add a bit of implied sarcasm in pharse.

For example, a friend of yours might say, “My dad bought me the coolest car in town!” You could reply, “Oh wao, RLY! Your dad must be rly rich.

EmotionSafe for work
Positive / affirmationYes
AlternativesSafe for children

Also check: JWTK Meaning

Examples Of RLY In context

1. Example 1:

Eva: OMG! My dad is coming home from Italy tmrw.

Petter: That sounds great. I’m rly happy for you Eva.

Example 2:

Sarah: I think we rly need to stop messing with uncle.

Lisa: Agree. He looks rly serious this time.

Example 3:

Carol: I don’t need to study for the test. I’m sure it’ll be easy.

Louis: You sound very confident. You must be RLY smart.



My name is Alejandro, founder and main author at Slang Monster. I’m a fellow human being who enjoys creating online content. Thank you for dropping in.


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