WSG Meaning

by | Feb 5, 2024 | Definitions

If you are curious to know about WSG slang meaning in text, chances are you have probably seen this popping up on your phone, or while having an online conversation. But don’t worry, you have come to the right place to learn about the meaning behind this intriguing internet slang abbreviation. So, let’s dive right in.

WSG Menaing

WSG stands for “What’s good”.

What does WSG mean in text?

The abbreviation WSG is simply a shorthand for “What’s good?”. It’s a popular internet greeting slang used to start a texting or online conversation. This is similar to someone saying, “What’s up?” or “How’s it going?” It’s mostly used among the Black Community. When you send WSG you are basically saying, “How are you?”

Also check: IHHT Meaning

WSGWhat’s good?
EmotionSafe for work
AlternativesSafe for kids
What’s up?Yes

Also check: CYT Meaning

Examples Of WSG In Texting

Example 1:

Trevis: Hey man, we haven’t talked in a while, wsg?

Derick: Wsg! not much, just chilling at home. How about you?

Example 2:

Carol: Just posted a selfie on TiTok. WSG Vicky?

Vicky: WSG! Lookin good!



My name is Alejandro, founder and main author at Slang Monster. I’m a fellow human being who enjoys creating online content. Thank you for dropping in.


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